We praise and worship you, God our creator. You have created us in your image, though we are unworthy. You have given us your Son, who continues to nourish us through the gift of his body and blood. May we never be separated from you, and may our worship be worthy of you, God our life-giver.
Lord God,
you brought us healing through the Easter mysteries. Continue to be bountiful to your people; Lead us to the perfect freedom, by which the joy that gladdens our way on earth will be fulfilled in heaven through Christ our Lord.
In Christ a new age has dawned;
the long reign of sin is ended;
a broken world has been renewed,
and we are once again made whole.
Preface of Easter IV Roman Missal
"Never straying from his Benedictine call, Cardinal Hume confronted the modern world as an uncompromising practitioner of Anselm's fides quaerens intellectum. Yet even more strikingly, he deliberately chose the better part - he abided in faith that ever passes understanding." In Cardinal Hume we are given the opportunity to journey alongside this man of God. The book offers reflections and meditations for the Seasons of the Christian year, beginning with Lent and Easter, then moving through Pentecost and on to Advent and Christmas. We can follow the year through, or dip into the text at any time. In these pages, we find words of understanding, encouragement, and hope - words that speak to us whatever our condition, whatever our beliefs.