Almighty God, in your glorious creation, you are the Author and Giver of all life. We cherish this gift and seek to take each breath with thanksgiving for the life we have in this world. We are grateful for the life of Jesus Christ and the love that he poured out in his death for us in his death on the Cross.
We are humbled and thankful that, through his death on the Cross, Christ has overcome the power of death and opened the way for us to eternal life through his resurrection. As Christ is risen, we pray for our hearts, minds, and souls to rise with him and share in that eternal life.
We pray that each day, as we rise from our beds to worship and serve you through the power of the Holy Spirit, we may look for resurrection moments in this earthly life. Give us hope and courage to share the Risen Christ with others; and, at the last, look forward to life eternal in your presence without end.
We exult in your presence now, by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the Risen Christ, our Savior. Amen.