AFP Memorial Day PrayerO God of all mercy, You are our Guardian in times of peace and in times of war. We give thanks for the willing sacrifice of all members of the five branches of the United States Armed Forces in the defense of this nation against all enemies who would harm us. At this time, we remember before You all those who have given their lives in service either at home or abroad. We bring before You especially those soldiers, sailors, pilots, and all doctors and nurses who have given their lives while in active duty in every war since the American Revolution, whether they are remembered or unknown. We give thanks to You for their selfless offering for the freedoms we enjoy. Make us mindful of our call to honor those who have gone before, and to hold in prayer those whose lives are now at risk in various places around the world. We bring these persons before You in the name of Jesus Christ, who offered himself in sacrifice for our salvation, and in the grace and comfort of the Holy Spirit, this day and always. Amen.