Almighty and eternal God, Author of time in all of human life: you created me in your image yet have numbered my days: You have given me grace and hope to enter anther year in the human calendar. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and glorify your Name.
In this new year, I pray that you will bless and sustain me in health and wellness so that I may have energy and freedom to live each day. In this year I pray for your Holy Spirit to help me to discern what it is that you would have me do and to serve those whom you place in my path Help me to know more and more the love of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. I pray especially to love those who, in this year, may be difficult to love along with those dearest to me.
I pray for the resolve to continue steadfast in faith and worship, and to support the mission and ministry of the Church and those who offer themselves in ordained ministry. Give me opportunities to be a good steward of what you have entrusted to me. Deliver me from anxieties in the changes and chances of this life, knowing that you always are at my side in every circumstance.
Give me opportunities, o God, to bring the light of Christ into the lives of others who seek to know him.
Deepen my life of prayer. Bring me more deeply into your presence. Help me to live each day in eternal life while living and working in this mortal life. May I use wisely the time you have given me through the coming year.
Help me to see you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, day by day; through Jesus Christ my Shepherd and Savior. Amen.